Key tips on booking with miles and points on Delta Airlines
Featured, Travel Tips, Obsessions Brittney Melnick Featured, Travel Tips, Obsessions Brittney Melnick

Key tips on booking with miles and points on Delta Airlines

If you have followed me for a while you might of noticed how often I take trips. Recently I had a friend make a comment that I must be rich. I do work hard for my money, but honestly I am able to take so many trips by leveraging the benefits of my necessary credit card spending. What do I mean by that? Points and miles! I really enjoy the “points’” game and finding the best available options to travel with those miles and points. I only fly first class if I can use miles/points and the majority of my flights are booked completely with points. So here are a few tips and tricks I’ve learned. I will mostly focus on Delta booking on this post.

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